[NSWI131] Lab and Lecture Information

Vass Tekla vasstekla13 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 12:23:16 CEST 2020

Dear Petr,

I was wondering if the deadline for this homework is this Wednesday or the
next Wednesday midnight?
I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, maybe I just missed it. :)

Thank you,
and Happy Easter,

On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 11:38 AM Petr Tůma <petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz>

> Hello,
> several updates regarding the labs and the lecture:
> - You should now see grading notes on all your lab assignments so far in
> GitLab (the GRADING.md file). For the benchmark assignment, the grading was
> very mild (essentially, it was enough to submit anything resembling a
> working result), in part because the scripts are for your use in a future
> assignment, and in part because it is not practically possible for me to
> test all the scripts given the variety of platforms used. If you see any
> issue with the grading, please let me know.
> - The new lab assignment on instrumentation is on the web, check
> https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/teaching/nswi131/labs for links, the assignment
> repositories should again exist in your GitLab spaces. Please check that
> the repositories are intact and you see the README.md file (GitLab
> automation support sometimes silently fails on repository cloning
> operations that we use).
> - The last lecture recording is now on the web:
> https://youtu.be/kFnSQYggK6c Instrumentation - Overview
> https://youtu.be/CO3jD_mbs84 Instrumentation - Source Code
> https://youtu.be/6n342VUnJnM Instrumentation - Bytecode
> https://youtu.be/IscuHVSpu28 Instrumentation - Machine Code
> Also, thank you to those who sent their lecture comments to me, I guess
> it's best if we start the next lecture by a quick interactive discussion of
> what remains unclear.
> Finally, one important piece of information that you might be interested
> in. The research community that works on performance evaluation has their
> annual conference, organized jointly by ACM and SPEC, called ICPE
> (International Conference on Performance Engineering). This year, ICPE has
> had to move online due to the pandemic, and the organizers have decided to
> provide free access. I very much recommend to check it out (especially
> since in the online version, you can skip the boring parts and participate
> only in those topics that interest you :-). Check out
> https://icpe2020.spec.org/registration - you just need to send a mail to
> get free access.
> Happy Easter, Petr
> --
> Petr Tuma
> Distributed and Dependable Systems
> Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
> Charles University, Czech Republic
>       http://d3s.mff.cuni.cz
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