[NSWI131] Lab and Lecture Information

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Apr 14 09:15:57 CEST 2020

Hi Tekla, all,

the ideal deadline is two weeks from the assignment, that is, around April 25. Given the circumstances, I'm currently not applying any harsh penalties for late submission, however, please do let me know if you see you won't make the regular deadline (I need to have some idea of how well you manage, in particular I need to be able to tell whether you're late because the task is too difficult, in which case I'd look at providing more information, as opposed to reasons such as simply not having enough time, which is perfectly understandable these days.)

Cheers, Petr

On 13/04/2020 12:23, Vass Tekla wrote:
> Dear Petr, 
> I was wondering if the deadline for this homework is this Wednesday or the next Wednesday midnight? 
> I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, maybe I just missed it. :) 
> Thank you, 
> and Happy Easter, 
> Tekla
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 11:38 AM Petr Tůma <petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz <mailto:petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     several updates regarding the labs and the lecture:
>     - You should now see grading notes on all your lab assignments so far in GitLab (the GRADING.md file). For the benchmark assignment, the grading was very mild (essentially, it was enough to submit anything resembling a working result), in part because the scripts are for your use in a future assignment, and in part because it is not practically possible for me to test all the scripts given the variety of platforms used. If you see any issue with the grading, please let me know.
>     - The new lab assignment on instrumentation is on the web, check https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/teaching/nswi131/labs for links, the assignment repositories should again exist in your GitLab spaces. Please check that the repositories are intact and you see the README.md file (GitLab automation support sometimes silently fails on repository cloning operations that we use).
>     - The last lecture recording is now on the web:
>     https://youtu.be/kFnSQYggK6c Instrumentation - Overview
>     https://youtu.be/CO3jD_mbs84 Instrumentation - Source Code
>     https://youtu.be/6n342VUnJnM Instrumentation - Bytecode
>     https://youtu.be/IscuHVSpu28 Instrumentation - Machine Code
>     Also, thank you to those who sent their lecture comments to me, I guess it's best if we start the next lecture by a quick interactive discussion of what remains unclear.
>     Finally, one important piece of information that you might be interested in. The research community that works on performance evaluation has their annual conference, organized jointly by ACM and SPEC, called ICPE (International Conference on Performance Engineering). This year, ICPE has had to move online due to the pandemic, and the organizers have decided to provide free access. I very much recommend to check it out (especially since in the online version, you can skip the boring parts and participate only in those topics that interest you :-). Check out https://icpe2020.spec.org/registration - you just need to send a mail to get free access.
>     Happy Easter, Petr
>     -- 
>     Petr Tuma
>     Distributed and Dependable Systems
>     Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
>     Charles University, Czech Republic
>           http://d3s.mff.cuni.cz
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