[NSWI131] 03-counter-spinner - papi problem

Petr Tůma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Mar 20 08:09:10 CET 2020


this sounds like a PAPI installation problem. It's hard to debug with little information, but these are the steps I would try (if they do not help, please include exact log of what commands you were running and what was the output):

- Did you install using your distribution packages, or from the Git repository ? If the latter, did you do 'make install' ?

- Do the 'papi_avail' and 'papi_native_avail' commands work, when launched from any directory (not just the build directory) ?

- Do you have the PAPI library in your system default library path, e.g. /lib64/libpapi.so.* ?

Hope this puts you on the right path, Petr

On 19/03/2020 19:19, William Tatarko wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some trouble with papi. I installed it without any problem (and even passed the original papi test). However when I try to run the make for the c++ version (without modifying the code at all) I got several errors like "undefined reference to `PAPI_*', where * is "stop", "start", "library_init" and many more. I also tried the java version (again without changing the code), but the run.sh script resulted in "error: PAPI library initialization: Invalid argument (-1)". I am probably doing something terribly wrong, but after about 4 hours of debugging I have not figured it out.
> Can anybody please help me?
> Best regards
> William
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