[Pub] hospoda

Pavel Parizek parizek at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Sun Jan 5 16:19:12 CET 2014


It is probably safe to say that the pub will not start before 6pm.

In the unlikely case of Jarda failing to secure Pivovarsky Klub for us, 
we can go to some known place (Smichovsky radnicni sklipek, U Zizniveho 
jelena, U Pinkasu, etc), or I can find something new at Mala Strana. And 
of course he will receive a proper reward from me ;-)


On 5.1.2014 15:23, Tomáš Poch wrote:
> Hi,
> good choice. Just be aware that the place is so popular that it might be
> already booked for tommorow.
> Tom
> 2014/1/5 Martin Decky <decky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz <mailto:decky at d3s.mff.cuni.cz>>
>         I am considering http://www.pivovarskyklub.com/__, any other
>         suggestions?
>     This definitively sounds good. Looking forward to the announcement
>     of the exact time.
>     M.D.
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