[Pub] Goodbye Prague

David Hauzar hauzar at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Dec 8 13:55:03 CET 2015

Hi Ilias!

I won't be able to come. So enjoy your last days in Prague and good luck 
in Munich!


On 07/12/2015 10:30, Ilias Gerostathopoulos wrote:
> Hi guys,
> so I'm leaving Prague this Saturday and we're organizing an event to
> celebrate you getting rid of me :)
> After more than 3.5 years I really thought I might have been able to
> actually write this email in Czech, but... well, you can respond in
> Czech if you like!
> We will go*this Thursday evening *to one of
> - The Pub
> - U Pinkasu
> (any other ideas?)
> Honza and Pavel (Parizek) are already in.
> Who else wants to join, so that we can make a reservation? Please
> respond here (in English, Czech, or ancient Greek).
> Cheers,
> Ilias
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