[Pub] Goodbye Prague

Michal Malohlava michal.malohlava at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Dec 9 19:22:27 CET 2015

Hi Ilias,

sorry, I have to skip Le Burger, but at least sending wishes of good luck in Munich!

Have fun!

On 12/8/15 2:30 AM, Ilias Gerostathopoulos wrote:
> Hello,
> so we have a reservation at "Le Burger" http://le-burger.cz/ at 19:00 on Thursday. (They had the 
> most convincing website.)
> @Petko: I will be in Munich at TUM for a postdoc starting from mid Jan. This is closer to Zurich 
> than Prague. So I'm converging, but slowly :)
> @Lubomir: Thanks! I will let you know, in fact, even if you wanted to (I hope not!), I don't think 
> you'll get rid of me so easily... :)
> @Vilo, Ondrej: Thanks guys :)
> @Martin: OK, that was impressive! Here is another one you might like:
> Ἀνδρῶν ἐπιφανῶν πᾶσα γῆ τάφος - Thucydides, Perikleous epitaph
> Ilias
> On 12/8/2015 10:54 AM, Petr Hnetynka wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> We will go*this Thursday evening *to one of
>>> - The Pub
>>> - U Pinkasu
>>> (any other ideas?)
>>> Honza and Pavel (Parizek) are already in.
>>> Who else wants to join, so that we can make a reservation? Please
>>> respond here (in English, Czech, or ancient Greek).
>> I'll try to come.
>> Regards,
>> Petr
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