[NSWI004] Grading finished and uploaded

Petr Tuma petr.tuma at d3s.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jan 29 15:48:15 CET 2021


your grading repositories now contain the remaining points and comments for your last assignments, we will also fill in the grades in SIS shortly. Lubomir and Vojtech both worked quite hard to provide detailed feedback on your code - we hope it will be useful and apologize for the small delay in grading this caused. Also, we might have missed something reading your code (there was a lot of it), please do let us know if you think that is the case, we will update the grading accordingly.

A few statistics for those of a curious mind:

- You have formed 34 teams working on your kernels.
- 5 teams received points for all assignments (cool).
- 13 teams received points for assignments A01 to A05.
- 14 teams decided assignments A01 to A04 are enough.
- All together you did 5236 commits (including merges).
- Resulting in 65859 lines of C code (without duplicates).

Oh, and I almost forgot ... the best kernel (most points) prize goes to team ... *drumroll* ... UnitTest, with 61 points across all members. This feat was also partially matched by two members of czech_it_b4_u_wreck_it. Did I mention we are hiring ? :-)

For individual points:

- 34 of you (32%) reached the "excellent" grade
- 37 of you (35%) were graded "very good"
- 16 (15%) made it to the "good" grade
- unfortunately 19 did not pass the course
- including 13 who gave up within the first month

To those of you who succeeded, our sincere congratulations!

To those of you who did not make it this time, we hope next year will be more fortunate. Also, when you do try again, please notify us early should you run into any problems, so that we can help early enough.

Petr & Vojtech & Lubomir

P.S.: Was not joking with that hiring part, check out https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/students/topics, or https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/phd if you are a bit more senior.

P.P.S.: We will unsubscribe all students from this mailing list at the start of the next teaching year, or you can unsubscribe yourselves manually.

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