PhD Opportunities in Software Systems at D3S

Join us to work on exciting independent research projects

As a PhD student in our department, you will work on one or more independent research projects under the supervision of your advisor. A PhD gives you a chance to delve deeply into an innovative idea about software architecture, programming languages, formal verification, performance measu­rement and modeling or another related topic of your choice. You will advance the state of the art, implement novel systems and prototypes, write academic papers about your work, present at inter­national conferences and collaborate with other experts in the field.

If you are thinking of doing PhD with us, please read this page first and then send an informal inquiry to a potential PhD advisor. We will help you with the rest of the process.

Research Areas

Adaptive Software Architectures

We design and develop architectures for extreme data analytics and self-adaptive software architectures for the edge cloud, IoT and cyber-physical systems.

Contact: Tomáš Bureš, Petr Hnětynka, Martin Kruliš

Formal Software Verification

We work on theory and practice of automatic program analysis tools that can guarantee absensce of deadlocks, race conditions and assertion violations.

Contact: Jan Kofroň, Pavel Parízek

Parallel and High-Performance Computing

We work on making scientific computations efficient by using GPU-accelerated and parallel computing architectures.

Contact: Martin Kruliš

Programming Langauges and Systems

We design and implement new programming languages and systems, using a combination of theoretical, empirical and interdisciplinary approaches.

Contact: Tomáš Petříček, Jan Vitek

Software Performance and Measurement

We work on compiler performance, software performance evaluation, modeling and benchmarking as well as dynamic program analysis.

Contact: Lubomír Bulej, Vojtěch Horký, Petr Tůma

Flexible and Scalable Data Visualization

We create tools for producing data visualization that are rich, interactive, flexible and scale to large real-time data.

Contact: Tomáš Bureš, Tomáš Petříček

Research Topics

Some of the research topics that we are working on and have worked on in the past. Look here for both general areas that our department works on and specific research themes that we contribute to.

Research Projects

Current and past funded research projects. Although we are generally able to find funding for any research project in the general research areas we work in, these projects may have specific dedicated PhD funding.


List of staff members and current graduate students in our department. Find your prospective supervisor here and check out the profiles of our students to see what they are working on!


As a PhD student, you will be writing academic publica­tions about your work, concluding with a PhD thesis. Check out our recent papers to see what we are working on and where we present our work.