Proceedings paper
QRML: A Component Language and Toolset for Quality and Resource Management
F. van den Berg, V. Camra, M. Hendriks, M. Geilen, P. Hnětynka, F. Manteca, P. Sanchez, T. Bureš, A. Basten
Proceedings of FDL 2020, Kiel, Germany
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are complex, heterogeneous, and dynamic systems, spanning hardware and softwarecomponents ranging from edge devices to cloud platforms. CPSneed to satisfy many rigorous constraints, e.g., with respectto deadlines, safety, and quality, yielding a large configurationspace where only a limited number of configurations meet theconstraints and only a fraction are optimal regarding certainqualities. Finding the optimal configurations is hard, especiallyduring runtime operation.We present QRML, the Quality and Resource Managementdomain-specific Language, and an accompanying toolset. QRMLenables specifying heterogeneous hardware/software systems andtheir composition and configurations conveniently, automatedreasoning about them, and generating implementation artifactslike quality and resource monitoring templates. A QRML modelconsists of a hierarchy of components. Component specificationsexpress constraints and requirements, that may serve multiobjective quality and resource optimization and explorationpurposes. The QRML toolset offers language support, visualizations, documentation generation, template-code generation, andconstraint-solving support.
@inproceedings{vandenberg_qrml_2020, title = {{QRML: A Component Language and Toolset for Quality and Resource Management}}, author = {van den Berg, Freek and Camra, Vaclav and Hendriks, Martijn and Geilen, Marc C.W. and Hnetynka, Petr and Manteca, Fernando and Sanchez, Pablo and Bures, Tomas and Basten, A.A. (Twan)}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of FDL 2020, Kiel, Germany}}, publisher = {IEEE}, doi = {10.1109/FDL50818.2020.9232936}, }