Edge cloud computing has been the recent trend to provide computation capacity to modern software-intensive IoT and smart CPS. These systems are built as highly distributed architectures of mobile and networked embedded devices. The edge-cloud computing allows these systems to incorporate cloud and while coping with issues related to latency and reliability, security and other non-functional properties. In our research, we specifically focus on the problem of providing probabilistic guarantees on response time of application running in the edge-cloud. We deal with this in the frame of upcoming projects AFarCloud and FITOPTIVIS.
Grants and Projects
- From the cloud to the edge - smart IntegraTion and OPtimisation Technologies for highly efficient Image and VIdeo processing Systems (FitOptiVis), ECSEL, 2018 – 2020
- Aggregate Farming in the Cloud (AFarCloud), ECSEL, 2018 – 2020