
Today, we’ll enable IPv6 in our infrastructure.


  • Radek Zajic spoke about IPv6 in lecture 10
  • Configure the following IPv6 addresses:
    • Backbone: 2001:718:1e03:822::X/80
    • Private subnets: 2001:718:1e03:822:X::/80 and 2001:718:1e03:822:1X::/80
    • (X is still the same as in lab 3)
  • Please note that there’s currently issue with IPv6 routing on (your gateway), and you won’t be able to route IPv6 traffic through it. Unfortunately, the machine appears to be physically disconnected from one of its networks, and I don’t have physical access to the rack. This means that if you e.g. try to ping -6, you’ll see all packets being lost. Sorry for the inconvenience, I will resolve this issue ASAP.
  • Configure DNS AAAA records for your VMs
  • Configure reverse DNS records for your VMs
  • Export your routes
  • Make sure you can ping all your VMs from all your VMs over IPv6
  • Make sure you can ping 2001:718:1e03:822::1 (that’s the IPv6 address of the machine you know as
  • (100+0 points)


  • If you have any valuable feedback, please do provide it here.
  • Points are only awarded for feedback which is actionable and can be used to improve the quality of the course.
  • Any constructive criticism is appreciated (and won’t be weaponized).

(Total = 100+0 points)

Don’t forget to git push all your changes! Also, make sure that VM still works by the deadline—otherwise we have no way of grading your work.