The reviews for your API have been pushed to a separate branch (called api-review) of your code repository (in the task-1 group). You should merge this branch to your master branch at your convenience and delete the source branch.

Your next task is to prepare a short presentation of your API, commit (at least) a PDF version of the presentation into your code repository and give a short talk about your API during the labs.

Please note that this task should be done in approximately 1 week.


  • Create a 5 to 7-minute presentation of your API
    • Not enough time: avoid general introduction
  • Key use cases driving your requirements
    • What do you want/don’t want to support
  • Provide an overview of API usage
    • Demonstrate key concepts on the time command
    • Briefly mention advanced concepts if any
  • Present highlights of your design
    • How do you make life easier for users?
  • Incorporate comments from reviews
    • Respond to the most important ones
  • Avoid black background
    • Makes the presentation difficult to view


Submit the presentation through your code repository (in the task-1 group) as a single PDF file named presentation.pdf placed in the presentation directory (i.e., the path from the repository root is presentation/presentation.pdf). The directory may contain other files, but the presentation.pdf file must be present in the presentation directory at deadline.

Full points will be awarded only if you submit presentation on time AND you give a talk during the labs.

Split teams

If your team is split between two lab classes, please send an e-mail to the course instructor indicating during which lab class would you prefer to give your talk. Please note that your preference may be overriden for “load-balancing” purposes (if too many split teams indicate the same class).