Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems

School of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University

Our department is responsible for research and education in the advanced techniques for building reliable component-based software especially in the field of distributed and dependable systems, spanning from smart cyber-physical systems and IoT to cloud-based backends. Our research comprises advanced software architectures, adaptation, model-driven development, model-based testing, formal verification of software, performance measurement and modeling.

The vision pursued by our department is that of high-quality scientific research with strong industrial relevance, with the aim to enable rapid and cost-efficient production of complex and reliable software systems. To achieve this vision, our department actively collaborates on the national and international level with both academic and industrial partners.

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News From the Department

Pure Methods for roDOT

1 September 2024

Our paper Pure Methods for roDOT by V. Dort, Y. Li, O. Lhoták, P. Parizek has been accepted to 38th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2024).

Decidable Subtyping of Existential Types for Julia

1 June 2024

Our paper Decidable Subtyping of Existential Types for Julia by J. Belyakova, B. Chung, R. Tate, J. Vitek has been accepted to Proc. ACM Program. Lang..

JPF: From 2003 to 2023

1 April 2024

Our paper JPF: From 2003 to 2023 by C. Artho, P. Parízek, D. Qu, V. Galgali, P. Yi has been accepted to 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2024).

The Fault in Our Stars: Designing Reproducible Large-scale Code Analysis Experiments

1 January 2024

Our paper The Fault in Our Stars: Designing Reproducible Large-scale Code Analysis Experiments by P. Maj, S. Muroya, K. Siek, L. Di Grazia, J. Vitek has been accepted to DROPS-IDN/v2/document/10.4230/LIPIcs.ECOOP.2024.27.