Semester: winter 2023/24
Lectures: Monday, 12:20 – 15:30, S9 (even weeks only (odd calendar weeks)) (Lukáš ProkopJan Kofroň, Simona Kurňavová)
Page in SIS: NPRG056
Grading: Credit

Previous year: 2022/23



The goal of the course is to provide an overview of basic concepts and current trends in mobile application development. The architecture and development principles of the leading mobile platform – Android. The course will take the from of a tutorial, where the concepts will be presented using real mobile apps. Students will work in small teams (2-3 members each) on a project to get a real experience with the selected platforms during the semester.

The project schedule follows:

Only if following the aforementioned schedule, the students can be granted credits. The specification is to be submitted to Jan Kofroň.

Teaching materials (slides and source code of projects) can be found here.


Date Title Downloads
09. 10. 2023 Android 1: History, Kotlin Slides
23. 10. 2023 Android 2: Basics, Activity
06. 11. 2023 Android 3: Fragments, Notifications, Data persistence
20. 11. 2023 Android 4: ViewModels/LifeData, Adapters, Broadcasts, Scheduling, Services
04. 12. 2023 Android 5: Threading, Coroutines, Networking
18. 12. 2023 Android 6: Release process
08. 01. 2024 TBA
