The 8th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems - JTRES 2010

Charles University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

19-21 August 2010
Prague, Czech Republic

Proceedings are available via ACM Digital Library

::Thursday, August 19th::

9:00 Registration opens, refreshments & wifi available

9:30 - 10:45

Message Scheduling in Time-Triggered Protocols
Zdenek Hanzalek (Czech Technical University)

The talk presents the algorithms that allow creating of a static schedule for time-triggered systems. A general approach, based on a formulation of the scheduling problem in terms of the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Temporal Constraints, is presented first. Further, protocols like Profinet IO IRT (an industrial Ethernet protocol standardized in IEC61158) and IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee (beacon enabled cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Network) are used to demonstrate the approach. The problem is extended by useful temporal constraints (i.e. release dates, deadlines and end-to-end deadlines of the messages) which provide a greater flexibility with respect to the individual messages. Due to this flexibility, it is possible to place the selected messages in various parts of the communication cycle (in order to increase the computational time available for the main-controller application, or to retransmit the message without hold-up in the router, or to add new messages into original schedule). Experiments (computations, simulations and the ones with real HW) show that these algorithms are applicable to industrial-size problems.

Zdenek Hanzalek graduated in Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague in 1990. He obtained his PhD degree in Industrial Informatics from the Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse and PhD degree in Control Engineering from the CTU. He worked on optimization of parallel algorithms at LAAS CNRS - Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systemes in Toulouse (1992 to 1997) and on discrete event dynamic systems at LAG INPG - Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (1998 to 2000). From 2005, he holds a position of Associated Professor at the CTU, where he founded and coordinated the Industrial Informatics Group focusing on scheduling, combinatorial optimization algorithms, real-time control systems and industrial communication protocols. He has been involved in many international research projects (e.g. ARTIST2, FRESCOR, OCERA) and industrial contracts (e.g. Skoda, UniControls, UNIS, AZD, Volkswagen, Rockwell, Air Navigation Services). Zdenek is currently a deputy head at the Department of Control Engineering at CTU and a head of the Embedded Systems Group at the Center for Applied Cybernetics.
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Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:35 Session 1

Schedulability Analysis for Java Finalizers. Thomas Boegholm, Rene R. Hansen, Anders P. Ravn, Bent Thomsen (Aalborg University), Hans Soendergaard (VIA University College)
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Using an RTSJ-Compatible MVC Pattern as Basis for Configurable Event-Driven Real-Time Software. Kevin Kratzer and Axel Bottcher (Munich University of Applied Sciences)
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Using the Executor Framework to Implement Asynchronous Event Handling in the RTSJ. MinSeong Kim, Andy Wellings (University of York)
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WCET Driven Design Space Exploration of an Object Cache. Benedikt Huber, Wolfgang Puffitsch (Vienna University of Technology), Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

12:45 Lunch

14:00 - 15:35 Session 2

A Locality Model for the Real-Time Specification for Java.
Abdul H. Malik, Andy Wellings, Yang Chang (University of York)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Application Requirements and Efficiency of Embedded Java Bytecode Multi-Cores.
Martin Zabel, Rainer G. Spallek (Dresden University of Technology)
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Asynchronous Event Handling and Safety Critical Java.
Andy Wellings, MinSeong Kim (University of York)
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Cyclic Executive for Safety-Critical Java on Chip-Multiprocessors.
Anders P. Ravn (Aalborg University), Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00 Session 3

Short Paper: Experiences on the Implementation of a Cooperative Embedded System Framework.
Claudio Maia, Luis Nogueira, Luis M. Pinho (Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Short Paper: Java2C - Developing in Java, Deployment in C.
Hartmut Schorrig, Thomas Henties (Siemens)
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Short Paper: Object Oriented Machine Learning with a Multicore Real-Time Java Processor.
Rasmus U. Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School), Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark)
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Short Paper: Preliminary Feasibility Analysis of Component Based Modelling and Automatic Java Code Generation for Nanosatellite On-Board Software.
Oscar R. Polo, Kristof Konings, Pablo Parra, Martin Knoblauch, Ignacio Garcia, Sebastian Sanchez (University of Alcala)
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Short Paper: PRP: Priority Rollback Protocol - A PIP Extension for Mixed Criticality Systems.
Lukasz Ziarek (Purdue University)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

17:00 - 18:45

Tour of the Computer Science Building (built in the 17th century), Time for Emails
The Wallenstein Garden
Historic Tram Ride

18:45 Dinner

::Friday, August 20th::

9:10 Registration, refreshments

9:30 - 10:45

Certification and qualification concerns in the development of safety critical systems.
Marc Pantel (University of Toulouse)

Higher level programming languages (HLPL) and Model Driven Engineering (MDE) are an asset to manage the increasing complexity of safety critical systems. MDE allows: to work with high level of abstraction for the representation of the various aspects involved in the development of embedded systems using Domain Specific Languages, to rely on model transformations to combine these languages and derive the end system, and to be able to do early verification based on the models instead of the end product. HLPLs are involved in the last steps of MDE and rely on source code verification and automated code generation to provide the same kind of features as MDE. Safety critical system development is governed by standards enforced by certification authorities to ensure end product safety. These standards usually enforce the use of testing on the end product and of process validation. MDE and HLPLs advocates the verification of early models and the automatic generation of the end-product in order to improve the quality and reduce the costs in a software development. Certification standards require these tools to be qualified in order to be able to remove some of the end-product tests. This talk will give insights on the current qualification activities and how it could be applied to MDE; then it will focus on the use of formal specification and verification that can be applied to MDE, and on the first experiments and exchanges with certification authorities that were conducted during the GeneAuto, TOPCASED and ES-PASS projects. This talk will take as example a syntactic gray-box approach based on trace links and OCL and a semantic white-box approach based on the Coq proof assistant.

Dr Marc Pantel graduated from ENSEEIHT in electrical engineering (master degree 1989) and in computer science (master degree 1991). He got a PhD in computer science from INPT in 1994 on the integration of object-oriented and functional programming paradigms relying on iterative transformations from end user languages to more abstract programming model calculi to manage the various complex programming constructs, and on static analysis to verify the program correctness. He has been associate-professor in computer science at ENSEEIHT/INPT in the IRIT laboratory since 1994 where he is teaching programming language semantics, compiler design, formal specification and verification technologies and model driven engineering, and conducting research on the safe development of systems by relying on semantically well-founded domain specific languages and static analysis. This work was applied until 2005 to distributed adaptable systems based on the actor model of computation, and since 2005 to safety critical embedded systems developed using MDE. He has been recently involved in many national and international collaborative research projects with industrial partners from aerospace and automation domains (FUI TOPCASED; ITEA GENE-AUTO, ES_PASS and OPEES; ANR SPACIFY; FRAE QUARTEFT; JU ARTEMIS CESAR). He is expert for the Luxemburg National Research Fund. He is member of the Aerospace Valley cluster ISAURE committee and of the EICOSE initiative inside ARTEMISIA.
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Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:35 Session 4

Ada-Java Middleware for Legacy Software Modernization.
Kelvin Nilsen (Atego Systems)
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Developing Safety-Critical Applications with oSCJ/L0. Ales Plsek, Lei Zhao, Veysel H. Sahin, Daniel Tang (Purdue University), Tomas Kalibera (Charles University), Jan Vitek (Purdue University)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Investigating Hardware Micro-instruction Folding in a Java Embedded Processor. Flavius Gruian (Lund University), Mark Westmijze (University of Twente)
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KESO: An Open-Source Multi-JVM for Deeply Embedded Systems. Isabella Thomm, Michael Stilkerich, Christian Wawersich, Wolfgang Schroder-Preikschat (Friedrich-Alexander University)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

12:45 Lunch

14:00 - 15:00

The JAviator Quadrotor: An Aerial Software Testbed
Rainer Trummer (University of Salzburg)

The JAviator project is a research project of the Computational Systems Group at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg, Austria. The goal of the project is to develop high-level real-time and concurrent programming abstractions and test them on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). In this scope, we are also working on methodologies that enable time-portable programming of high-performance, hard real-time applications in Java. In order to test and verify our solutions, we designed and built entirely from scratch the JAviator quadrotor helicopter, a high-precision electric model helicopter that serves as our flying software laboratory. In my talk I would like to give an overview about the JAviator's hardware, its control system design and software architecture, and the hardware/software challenges that come along with such aircraft.

Rainer Trummer is a senior PhD student with Prof. Christoph Kirsch at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg, Austria. He will graduate in the fall of 2010. His PhD thesis is on the hardware and software design of the JAviator platform. He has a strong background in embedded real-time programming in addition to professional expertise in mechanical and electrical engineering (he holds a master craftsman's diploma in electromechanical engineering and a foreman's diploma in industrial electronics). His scientific expertise further includes the design and implementation of arithmetic hardware devices like division units (he holds a Slovenian patent for a hardware integer divider). He is in charge of the JAviator project and running the JAviator laboratory.

Live demo of the helicopter after the talk.
[Slides] [Video - Talk] [Video - Demo]

15:00 - 15:50 Session 5

The Embedded Java Benchmark Suite JemBench. Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark), Thomas B. Preusser (Dresden University of Technology), Sascha Uhrig (University of Augsburg)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Towards Memory Management for Service-Oriented Real-Time Systems. Thomas Richardson, Andy Wellings (University of York), Jose A. Dianes, Manuel Diaz (University of Malaga)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:15

Panel Discussion: The Present and Future of Java for Real-time and Embedded Systems
James Hunt (Aicas), Kelvin Nilsen (Atego Systems), Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark), Andy Wellings (University of York) [Video]

17:15 - 19:30

Time for Emails
Prague Castle Walk with a Guide


Late Night Music Clubs of Prague

::Saturday, August 21st::

9:10 Registration, refreshments

9:30 - 10:45

Java in Space?
Marek Prochazka (European Space Agency)

Spacecraft flight software has stringent timing and memory requirements. Most parts of the software are classified as either mission or safety critical. On top of that, spacecraft flight software operates in a tough environment, in a spacecraft located thousands of kilometers away in case of Earth orbiters and millions of kilometers away in case of deep space missions. This implies stringent requirements for autonomy, reliability, safety, fault recovery, as well as efficient and flexible communication with the ground, having to deal with unforeseen situations and with no chance for offline maintenance. In my talk I would like to present some of the challenges of spacecraft flight software and also how Java can help us dealing with them.

Marek Prochazka received his PhD in computer science at Charles University, Prague, specializing in distributed systems and software architecture. After that he worked as a postdoc in the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) in Grenoble and later he joined the S3 Lab in the Computer Sciences Department at Purdue University, participating in the Real-Time Java research. After leaving academia in 2004, Marek worked for more than 4 years as an R&D consultant for SciSys, an European Space Agency (ESA) software supplier located in Bristol, United Kingdom. Since 2009, Marek has been working in the Software Systems Division at the ESA.s European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. He has been involved in a number of activities related to spacecraft flight software, supporting software development for space missions, software technology R&D programs, and independent software verification and validation activities.
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Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:35 Session 6

Realtime Java Technology in Avionics Systems. James Hunt (Aicas)
[Slides] [Paper] [Video]

Static Checking of Safety Critical Java Annotations. Daniel Tang, Ales Plsek, Jan Vitek (Purdue University)
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The Design of SafeJML, a Specification Language for SCJ with Support for WCET Specification. Ghaith Haddad, Faraz Hussain, Gary T. Leavens (University of Central Florida)
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Exhaustive Testing of Safety Critical Java. Tomas Kalibera, Pavel Parizek, Michal Malohlava (Charles University), Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark)
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