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Labs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

The following is a list of tasks that is possible to resubmit. Note that for several tasks we also explicitly specify updates or slightly different conditions.

For many of these updates, source files are not yet available. Please, give us a few days to set everything up.

We will prepare automated tests in the first weeks of the examination period. However, you can use existing tests by simply renaming the corresponding BATS tests.

Note that the scoring here denotes the maximum of the original task and your actual maximum will differ.

The deadline for all these tasks is July 17th, AoE.

It is possible to resubmit any of these tasks regardless whether you already submitted it, whether you already have required 20 points of the lab etc. (i.e. resubmit if you want more points, there are no other limitations except for the capping as explained here).

The automated tests skip missing files: i.e. if you do not re-submit anything or you have a typo in the filename, the pipeline will be in the green (again, with 10/60 (Git branching), some tests will have to fail).

Lab 01

51/longest.py (20 points)

Original task description is here.

51/prime.py (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 02


Original task description is here.

You will need to download a different file: https://d3s.mff.cuni.cz/files/teaching/nswi177/202021/tasks/nswi177-task52.tar.gz.

Note that unlike in the original assignment, only a subset of questions will be available.

Lab 03

Using Git CLI (15 points)

Original task description is here.

Add words resubmit-graded-task to the commit message.

Do not forget to use your GitLab login (i.e. johndoe, not 123456).

53/scoring.py (40 points)

Original task description is here.

53/git-identity.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 04

54/seq.py (20 points)

Original task description is here.

54/uid_sum.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

54/pass_gen.sh (10 points)

Original task description is here.

54/run_in_dir.sh (10 points)

Original task description is here.

54/longest_line.sh (10 points)

Original task description is here.

54/matrix_slice.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

54/row_sum.sh (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 05

55/scoring.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

55/backup.sh (30 points)

Original task description is here.

55/mails_from_web.sh (20 points)

Original task description is here.

55/interactive_calc.sh (20 points)

Original task description is here.

55/user_vars.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 06

Remote file ~/LAB56 (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Note the updated filename, and, please, create a normal file. Typos will not be tolerated this time.

Upload our key (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Use the following key this time:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKubpuoMNvCFU9jiKXFCQizPRWFDVZTiBvsXDsNEmKne teachers-nswi177@d3s.mff.cuni.cz

56/machine_status.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 07

57/web_machine_status.sh (25 points)

Original task description is here.

57/file_preview.sh (25 points)

Original task description is here.

57/find_complementary.sh (25 points)

Original task description is here.

57/extract_snippets.sh (25 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 08

58/fat.txt (15 points)

Original task description is here.

You will need to download a different file: lab58.fat.img (otherwise, the task remains the same).

58/proc_read_stats.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

58/countdown.sh (15 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 09

59/tapsum2json (40 points)

Original task description is here.

59/templater (40 points)

Original task description is here.

59/kramdown (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 10

60/csv_calc.sh (80 points)

Original task description is here.

Use [resubmit-task-help], [resubmit-task-malicious] and [resubmit-merge-help] markers instead of the original ones.

60/UPSTREAM.md (20 points)

Original task description is here.

You will need to merge a different file: 60/UPSTREAM.

Lab 11

Your own SSH server (30 points)

Original task description is here.

You will need to call a different utility: nswi177-reverse-port-resubmit.

61/ip_addr.json (30 points)

Original task description is here.

The task is the same but login as user lab61.

We will read your public key from 06/key.pub. If you have lost your key or similar, open an issue on Forum, please (i.e., first update your key and let us know).

Lab 12

62/Makefile (100 points)

Original task description is here.

Lab 13

63/shellcheck.sh (and .gitlab-ci.yml) (40 points)

Original task description is here.

Name the pipeline job reshellcheck and ensure that the actual script is really inside 63.

Note that we will launch this script (i.e., 63/shellcheck.sh) manually too and thus it must work from the root of the repository and without any arguments.

63/command.txt (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Please, use image docker.io/mffd3s/nswi177-labs-2021-command:resubmit for the resubmission.

63/volume.txt (20 points)

Original task description is here.

Please, use image docker.io/mffd3s/nswi177-labs-2021-volume:resubmit for the resubmission.

Lab 14

64/recovery.txt (25 points)

Original task description is here.

You will need to download a different file: lab64.img (otherwise, the task remains the same).

Cron at linux.ms.mff.cuni.cz (25 points)

Original task description is here.

Note that the source file will be different: /srv/nswi177/cron64.txt.

Please, ensure that it is the only cron job you have set.


2021-06-23: Added 56/Upload our key, added missing filenames and Podman images.

2021-06-16: Added 63/shellcheck.sh