Theses/project Topics
We offer various topics connected with Internet of Things, virtualization and cloud, embedded and distributed systems, middleware, operating systems, performance engineering, verification and testing, model-driven development, etc. The best is to contact us. We will create a topic specifically to your skills and interests.
Interested in Ph.D. Studies?
In brief, during postgradual studies you attend school for (roughly) four more years, work on research projects (both individual and team projects are possible), publish your results, and finally summarize and defend your results in a thesis and get awarded the Ph.D. degree.
Winter Courses
Advanced Static Program Analysis (NSWI182)
Advanced Tools for Software Development and Monitoring (NSWI126)
Algoritmizace (NPRG062)
D3S Seminar (NSWI057)
Firemní semináře (NSWI133)
Formal Foundations of Software Engineering (NTIN043)
Individual Software Project (NPRG045)
Linux Administration (NSWI106)
Mobile Devices Programming (NPRG056)
Operating Systems (NSWI200)
Principles of Computers (NSWI120)
Programming in C# Language (NPRG035)
Programming in Java Language (NPRG013)
Programming in Rust (NPRG082)
Programming language design (NPRG075)
Programování 1 (NPRG030)
Research Project Work (NSWI127)
Sémantika programů (NSWI183)
Start-up or Corporation: Introduction to a Career in IT (NSWI063)
System Behavior Models and Verification (NSWI101)
Write your own tiny programming system(s)! (NPRG077)
Summer Courses
Advanced .NET Programming II (NPRG057)
Advanced C# Programming (NPRG038)
Advanced Java Programming (NPRG021)
Advanced Operating Systems (NSWI161)
Advanced Programming in Rust (NPRG074)
Best Practices in Programming (NPRG043)
Computer Architecture (NSWI143)
D3S Seminar (NSWI058)
Individual Software Project (NPRG045)
Introduction to Linux (NSWI177)
Middleware (NSWI080)
Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems (NSWI131)
Program Analysis & Code Verification (NSWI132)
Programming in Python (NPRG065)
Programming User Interfaces in .NET (NPRG064)
Programování 2 (NPRG031)
Research Project Work (NSWI127)
Software Development Tools (NSWI154)
Stochastické metody v databázích (NDBI019)
Virtual Machines and Managed Runtimes (NPRG076)